Stages of a child’s education

Stages of a child’s education
The stages in early childhood education are those that aid children from their first months to 6 years old, and our purpose is to contribute to their physical, emotional, social and intellectual development.
These stages are arranged into two cycles: the first cycle for babies up to 3 year olds, the second from 3 to 6 year olds.
Along this path of growth and development, our youngest pupils are accompanied by tutors, who observe, encourage and stimulate to make the child’s routines easier and more fun.
This first stage also serves as a link between family and school through daily contact between the two parts.
In both cycles, attention to diversity and special educational needs are followed through, by our guidance department that adjusts its proposals and projects so that the pupil’s inclusion is complete.
At each stage we propose a programming model that facilitates simple, globalized, learning experiences by enhancing each multiple intelligence.
Linguistic – verbal
Development of thought, mainly through words and at a level of oral language, superior to that of their peers. A predisposition for memorization.
Corporal – kinesthetic
Construction of thoughts mainly through somatic sensations. Superior motor skills showing a readiness towards running, jumping, touching everything, gesturing, imitating, body gestures…
Mathematical logician
Development of thought, mainly through reflection and self-reasoning. It is here where observant features stand out.
Visual – spatial
Development of thought mainly through images. Great sensitivity towards perception of shapes, lines and contrasts of colors.
Development of thought through sounds. Early attraction towards music, and showing easiness in differentiating tones, melodies, frequencies and timbre.
Development of thought, mainly through relationships with others. Early perception of the moods of others and our reaction towards them. Empathy and solidarity.
Development of thought mainly through individual reflection. Use of gestures and words to express emotions and talk about oneself.
Optimal development of thought in contact with elements of nature. Great sensitivity towards plants, animals and inert elements of nature.
The development of education takes place in scenarios of emotional interrelationships, in which teachers play an essential role in the classroom. This project aims to carry out innovative experiences to encourage pupil’s development, through experiences that stimulate and develop emotional competence transversally, taking into account the following aspects:
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Self- motivation
- Social skills
- Empathy
Cooperate to learn how to cooperate. Working through projects, our aim is to encourage cooperative learning. This consists in team work that carries out planned activities through a determined work structure, which requires simultaneous interaction and participation of all involved.
The members of a cooperative learning team have a double responsibility: to learn what the teacher transmits and to help their peers learn it too. That is, cooperate to learn and learn to cooperate.
A key competence is the ability to demonstrate or to act effectively on an aspect of reality, this being personal, social, natural or symbolic. This implies moving from “knowledge to know-how” and from “learning to learning to learn”. Our goal is that when then time comes for students to leave school, they will have developed their full potential and are able to incorporate into adult life while applying their learning to everyday situations.
We must be clear that a competition is expanding and enriching throughout life and that is not, therefore, something static. Thus, there is a close relationship between key competences and multiple intelligences. The more challenges and more diverse are those that are posed to students, the more possibilities there are to be developed in an integral manner.
Mathematical competence and basic competences of Science and Technology (FCTC)
This is the ability to develop and apply mathematical reasoning to solve various problems of daily life, emphasizing reasoning, activity and knowledge. The basic competences in science and technology refer to the mastery, use and application of the knowledge and methodology used to explain nature. Therefore, they entail an understanding of the changes linked to human activity and the responsibility of each individual as a citizen.
Social and Civic Competencies
This refers to personal, interpersonal, intercultural competences, as well as to all forms of behaviour of an individual that allow him / her to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and professional life. This competence corresponds to personal and collective well-being.
The understanding of codes of conduct and the customs of the different environments in which the individual develops is fundamental. A person can ensure a civic, active and democratic participation thanks to these civic competences, especially through knowledge of notions and social and political structures: democracy, justice, equality, citizenship and civil rights.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit consists of the ability to transform ideas into actions, a skill that is related to creativity, innovation and acceptance of risks, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. People are aware of the context in which a job is located and can take advantage of the opportunities presented to them. The sense of initiative and the spirit of company are the foundation of the acquisition of qualifications and specific knowledge necessary for those who create some kind of social or commercial activity that contribute to it. This spirit should also entail an awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.
Linguistic communication (CL)
Linguistic communication is the ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions orally and in writing ( the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing), as well as to interact linguistically in an appropriate and creative way in all possible social and cultural contexts.
Digital Competence
This entails a safe and critical use of technologies, characteristic of the information society and, therefore, the mastery of information and communication technologies (ICT).
Learn to learn
Learn to learn is linked, on the one hand, to learning, to the ability to undertake and organize a learning, either individually or in groups, according to the individual’s own needs and, on the other hand, to the awareness of methods and determination of the opportunities available.
Awareness and cultural expressions
Awareness and cultural expression assumes the consciousness of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions through different media (music, performing arts, literature and the plastic arts.
A key competence is the ability to demonstrate or to act effectively on an aspect of reality, this being personal, social, natural or symbolic. This implies moving from “knowledge to know-how” and from “learning to learning to learn”. Our goal is that when then time comes for students to leave school, they will have developed their full potential and are able to incorporate into adult life while applying their learning to everyday situations.
We must be clear that a competition is expanding and enriching throughout life and that is not, therefore, something static. Thus, there is a close relationship between key competences and multiple intelligences. The more challenges and more diverse are those that are posed to students, the more possibilities there are to be developed in an integral manner.
Mathematical competence and basic competences of Science and Technology (FCTC)
This is the ability to develop and apply mathematical reasoning to solve various problems of daily life, emphasizing reasoning, activity and knowledge. The basic competences in science and technology refer to the mastery, use and application of the knowledge and methodology used to explain nature. Therefore, they entail an understanding of the changes linked to human activity and the responsibility of each individual as a citizen.
Social and Civic Competencies
This refers to personal, interpersonal, intercultural competences, as well as to all forms of behaviour of an individual that allow him / her to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and professional life. This competence corresponds to personal and collective well-being.
The understanding of codes of conduct and the customs of the different environments in which the individual develops is fundamental. A person can ensure a civic, active and democratic participation thanks to these civic competences, especially through knowledge of notions and social and political structures: democracy, justice, equality, citizenship and civil rights.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit consists of the ability to transform ideas into actions, a skill that is related to creativity, innovation and acceptance of risks, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. People are aware of the context in which a job is located and can take advantage of the opportunities presented to them. The sense of initiative and the spirit of company are the foundation of the acquisition of qualifications and specific knowledge necessary for those who create some kind of social or commercial activity that contribute to it. This spirit should also entail an awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.
Linguistic communication (CL)
Linguistic communication is the ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions orally and in writing ( the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing), as well as to interact linguistically in an appropriate and creative way in all possible social and cultural contexts.
Digital Competence
This entails a safe and critical use of technologies, characteristic of the information society and, therefore, the mastery of information and communication technologies (ICT).
Learn to learn
Learn to learn is linked, on the one hand, to learning, to the ability to undertake and organize a learning, either individually or in groups, according to the individual’s own needs and, on the other hand, to the awareness of methods and determination of the opportunities available.
Awareness and cultural expressions
Awareness and cultural expression assumes the consciousness of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions through different media (music, performing arts, literature and the plastic arts.