There are children's films that are ideal for your child to get in touch with nature and learn to respect the environment. Let's remember that we only have one planet to live on. Taking care of it and enjoying its wonderful environment depends on us as adults, and also on future generations and those to come.

Respecting natural life includes all types of ecosystems, both terrestrial and marine. That is why, after more than 100 years of film history, many directors and creators who are aware of the need to care for biodiversity have offered us really beautiful and interesting films that, in addition to educating our children in respect, are also fun and hide wonderful life lessons. Here are some of them.

Ideal children's movies to get your child in touch with nature

That said, let's start without further ado with the list of films that can help our children to be respectful with the environment around them, enjoying and understanding how important nature is.

Wall-E (2008) Andrew Stanton

We begin with a modern Disney Pixar classic that has dazzled several generations in just a decade and a half. It's about a little robot who develops a personality of his own and collects missing pieces.

Undoubtedly, the environmental message is very clear. We have to take care of the Earth, avoiding deforestation. It is therefore perfect to raise awareness in the youngest of the house to ensure that our planet continues to harbor life as it does today.

The Jungle Book (2016) Jon Favreau

We have chosen the most modern version for its impressive and very realistic effects, but there are other options, also musical, to bring the child closer to the world of Mowgli, the boy abandoned in the jungle and raised by a pack of wolves.

Obviously, throughout the entire footage of any of the versions of this classic we discover a great respect for all kinds of animals, as well as the importance of respecting any species.

Ainbo, the Amazon warrior (2021) José Zelada, Richard Claus

This film depicts a heroic journey of a warrior woman through the famous Amazon to save her people. Along the way we see the indigenous peoples who have been living for decades, even centuries, amidst the exalted wilderness of the Amazon rainforest.

It is logical that the environmental message is very powerful, as it is aimed at sensible consumption, without exploiting nature beyond basic needs, since biodiversity is key to human survival and has a unique and tropical lung in this area of the planet.

Brother Bear (2003) Aaron Blaise, Robert Walker

This is a beautiful film set in a North American forest in which we follow the young Indian boy Kenai, who suffers a twist in his life when he is transformed into a bear, an animal he hates with all his might.

This film offers a lesson in empathy for children. It shows the capacity we can acquire to understand other species of living beings that, whether we like them more or less, are part of this world, have a right to be in it and are an important part of the balance and biodiversity that contains the richness of the Earth. Undoubtedly, a wonderful sample of promotion for the animal and natural world.

Let's always keep in mind these 4 children's movies that are ideal for your child to get in touch with nature and many others that are available. From Logos Nursery School we use these and many other resources to help children learn from an early age the importance of respecting all living beings in the world.

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