Cultural Project

Don Quixote" Project

Cultural Project

Don Quixote" Project

Don Quixote" Project

Taking into account that the formal class time we have in Spanish in 4 and 5 years old is reduced to 45 minutes a day, since the rest of the day and the activities are done in English. In this time we focus on reading and writing in Spanish.

Literacy is the ability that allows us to capture language, to make it permanent and accessible.

Learning to read and write is one of the most important processes in people's lives. It is the basis for further learning, as well as being the engine for the development of thought, language and intelligence. Mastering these processes is a guarantee of success in studies and in life.



At Logos Nursery we use the mixed method:

* We combine reading and writing simultaneously.

* We motivate and create in each child the desire to learn.

* We allow the use of various types of material to aid the child's understanding.

* We start from experience as the basis for understanding.

In learning to read and write, it is essential to adopt an educational approach that is responsive to the needs of each individual; diversified, flexible and positive, based on play as a central activity and as a learning tool.

All this learning is structured through our project "DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA".

The main objectives of our literacy project are:

Be initiated in the use of written language in a way that is adjusted to the different situations of habitual communication, valuing it as an instrument of communication, representation, learning and enjoyment.


Express emotions, needs, desires, interests, feelings... through oral language.


Use oral language as a means of communication with others, pronouncing, articulating and expressing themselves in an increasingly clearer way.

Approach children's literature by understanding, recreating simple texts of classic stories and poems, showing attitudes of appreciation, enjoyment and interest towards them.

What objectives do we want our students to achieve with our Don Quixote Project?

- To understand the perception of the two characters: reality (Sancho) and fantasy (Don Quixote).

- To understand and appreciate the evolution of some objects over time.

- To develop communication skills.

- Read and know how to interpret images and words related to "Don Quixote".

- Express ideas, feelings, facts, emotions and experiences through oral and other languages.

- Enjoy collaborating with others in acting out dramatic activities.

- Identify the main character as Alonso Quijano. Relate his passion for reading with his madness.

- Expand the vocabulary related to the project.

- To present ideas in a clear and precise manner.

- To improve the use of different plastic techniques.

- Use oral language to express and communicate facts, ideas, feelings...

- To use the different forms of representation: dramatic expression, corporal expression and music.


Why did we choose Don Quixote?

For being the most outstanding work of Spanish literature and one of the main works of universal literature.

How do we work with our Don Quixote Project?

  • There are many versions adapted for children, which make reading much more enjoyable. Children live it with great enthusiasm, the adventures are a lot of fun for them.
  • We have several adaptations and various technological resources, such as karaokes, short films, collaborative books, dubbing. In addition to material resources such as the informative book, workshops, activity booklet, auditions Cd, photocopiable, Etc.
  • Reading with them, dramatizing the readings and making them part of the story.
  • In addition, at Logos Nursery School we have a room set as Cervantes' house, where children can feel involved in the story of Don Quixote, in a fun way and getting closer to reality.
Call us and find out more.