One of the missions we have as parents is to generate positive habits in our children and one of them is order and organization, that way tomorrow they will be able to face their life in a more organized way. If we teach them from an early age how to organize their room, their toys, their school material, etc, they will start to integrate it in their routine and will obtain a discipline that will help them in the future.

Discover some tips to help children be organized.

However, we are going to leave some tools that can help the child to learn to be more orderly in order to improve coexistence at home, be more independent, add in household chores and / or have more disciplined habits. This way we also avoid that in the future they may be lazy and positively enhance their organization.

Help the child at the beginning until he/she is able to do it alone.

To teach him how to do things, we must accompany the child at the beginning and help him in everything he needs until he learns the habit we are teaching him and is able to fend for himself. 

Make it part of the household chores

As part of the family unit, we should include him in household chores, so that he can feel more integrated at home and learn some responsibility at home from a young age. He can start by collaborating in simple tasks such as setting the table, helping the adults to make the bed, hanging out the clothes after washing them, arranging the cushions, etc. And depending on their age, they can increase their involvement in these tasks.

Assign a place for each object and let him internalize it.

It is important that each thing has a place and the child learns where it is, because if we change the place we can break the organization that we seek to generate in him. In addition, it is a way for them to always know where their things are going to be and where they have to put them again when they pick them up. It is also essential that the places we assign are always accessible to the little one, because if we use high shelves or more difficult places they will need our help constantly because they are not within their reach.

Establishing a series of routines in your life

It is not only necessary to be tidy with toys or collaborate at home to establish order in his life, but also to learn to be disciplined through the healthy habits that the child has during his day to day. Generating a routine in him since he is a child is useful for him to create his own routine in the future. This can be achieved by having them eat five meals a day, clean their teeth after each meal, put their things in their backpacks before going to school, help set the table and clear it, do their homework at a certain time and then have the rest of the afternoon free, take a shower at night, go to bed early, etc. 

In this way he integrates these functions into his routine as if it were natural and feels fulfilled at the end of the day knowing that he has done everything he was supposed to do.

Be an example for him

Last but not least, if we want the little one to learn the habit of order, we adults must lead by example and also implement in our lives everything we are teaching him, since being his role models, he repeats what he sees in us. 

From the specialized psycho-pedagogical office at Logos Nursery School Nursery School in Las Rozas de Madrid we can help you to ensure that the child learns in a healthy way to have order in his life and develop properly, in psychological and physical fullness.

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