Do you know when your child can dress himself? The first years of development are very important for the little ones. This is when they start to form their personality, their interests, etc. Thus, it is also when their self-esteem and confidence in their possibilities begin to be forged.

That said, it is logical to think that, during the first years of development, little ones experiment, invent, imagine, touch, test and, in short, get to know the environment around them. In this way they begin to become aware of their capabilities, and also of their limitations. 

Now, we, as parents and adults, will have to be their guides. their guides. It is our job to provide the right conditions for them to test their abilities, to discover for themselves and to learn how to do what they will need to do throughout their lives.

Please note that the following information is for guidance only orientativeThis means that, as each child advances according to his or her pace and ability, it will not be better or worse if he or she learns to dress himself or herself sooner or later, only when he or she feels ready.

Find out when your child can dress himself

That said, the ability to dress oneself begins at the age of 2 years. starts from the age of 2 years. After 24 months, he will be able to put on and take off some clothes, although he will still need our help and service to do it well.

In any case, as children grow up, they want to feel autonomous and capable. That is why it is important to allow them to do certain things by themselves, such as pulling up their pants, taking off their coat or putting on a sock. 

Even if it is difficult, we must have the right patience to let the children have their own autonomy. At first, he will not do well, but with our help, support and guidance, he will gradually do better until he can do it on his own.

It is easier to undress than to get dressed 

Remember that, especially in the first years of life, it is easier for the child to undress than to get dressed. That is to say, it is better for him to learn first to take off his clothes little by little. We can help him so that, as he undresses, he understands the mechanics so that, later on, he can do it himself, but putting on some simple garment. 

Let's start with the parts of their wardrobe that are easiest to remove, such as shoes or socks. If we observe well, these are parts that they tend to take off, even if they don't realize it, when they play. We can take advantage of this knowledge to go deeper into these tasks.

Simple footwear 

It is interesting to bet on shoes without lacesIt is interesting to choose shoes without laces, because children take time to learn how to tie the knot correctly. But if there is only one pair of Velcro straps, it will not be complicated for them to put on and take off.

Patient rhythm

In any case, patience is the best science in this case. And, as we have mentioned, each child has his own pace and, if we want him to learn everything too fast, we will only create uneasiness, insecurity and discomfort in the child, which may affect his self-esteem. 

Therefore, do not push, but do not delay the moment either. Be careful not to make it a source of stress, but don't allow the child to become comfortable either.

To improve the process, let's praise his successes so that he feels proud of himself. With routines, simple clothes, daily attempts and appropriate choice of clothes as a game, the work will be achieved little by little. 

If you want to know more about when your child can dress himself or about many other processes of your children, remember that at Logos Nursery School we can help you, because we have an expert team ready to support you in the whole process of raising your children.

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