The first steps of education, acceptance and acquisition of security in the child are based in the family, that is why it is very important to take into account the self-esteem of the child. Parents have a great role in enhancing the virtues and valuation of their children, since they are the main role models and what they transmit is what the children will adopt.

Tips to reinforce self-esteem in children

Reinforcing positive self-esteem in children is not an easy task and it is something that worries many parents, but you can always use some strategies to empower children and make them feel more self-confident in their personal, family and social life. In this article we leave you some tips for that.

Let him see that you are proud of him

Children need validation from their parents, especially when they are so young, so it is important that adults make them feel that we are proud of them, that we recognize the things they do well and celebrate their achievements. In this way we will increase the positive concept that they have of themselves.

Helping you to gain independence

Encouraging the autonomy of the child can be key to positively affect their self-esteem, because feeling responsible for some tasks or autonomous makes them see that they are capable of doing it and not depend on their parents for it. For example, they can be taught to dress themselves, brush their teeth or take a bath... These are small tasks that mean a lot for them to gain independence and self-confidence.

Educating in a positive way

It is necessary to pay attention to the things that the child does well and, as we have indicated above, praise him and educate him from love and respect. Create a positive environment at home, set limits and rules from the affection, talk to him with kindness, if something is difficult to help him or teach him to do it from a positivism... It is the best way for him to feel in a healthy and safe environment.

Recognize your skills and do not compare you with others.

Finally, avoid comparing them with other people, whether siblings, cousins, friends... They are a singular, unique and special person and must adopt their own personality, not imitate the behavior of others. The fact of comparing him can generate in him a lot of insecurity. 

You can obtain more information on how to reinforce positive self-esteem in your child by contacting the specialized psycho-pedagogical office at Logos Nursery School Nursery School in Las Rozas de Madrid.

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