Vacations have been long and now it's back to reality, back to routine, back to school. Then, we see that the kids have serious problems to readapt to their usual meals because maybe they have overindulged a little bit during the hot summer. That's why we want to give you these tips on how to take care of their back-to-school diet..

In any case, although we know that vacations paralyze the usual routine, we must consider that, in terms of food, it is advisable to maintain a schedule and diets as balanced as possible. It's one thing to indulge in a treat with the kids from time to time, but it's quite another thing to go on a rampage every day, drastically increasing the consumption of ice cream, fried foods, soft drinks, etc. 

But we should not set aside during the summer season certain necessary and tasty foods that kids usually like, such as gazpachos, for example. If we have done it this way, it will not cost us so much to return it to the routine of its habitual meals. 

Take note of these tips to take care of your back to school diet

Be that as it may, the return to school is always an ideal time to resume the right foods for our children to enjoy a healthy, balanced and, why not, also tasty diet that can be eaten without major problems. 

Organizes menus and meal times

It is convenient that you do it with the children, although they do not have to have so much power to choose all the meals. In any case, it is good to plan the weekly menus in advance to know what will be eaten each day. We will complement everything with a proper organization, with a combination of varied diet that includes fruits, vegetables and legumesand with well-defined schedules that provide routine to the child, as this helps him/her to be more secure and comfortable.

Include your child in feeding tasks 

If we can make our children feel part of the feel that they are part of the menu designand that they are an active part of it, we will have achieved a lot. For example, letting them choose certain foods when we go shopping, exchanging days when vegetables are eaten for others when it's time for pasta, allowing them to help us with simple tasks in the kitchen...

It is not a simple task, but if we get them involved, they will discover where the food they eat comes from, the existing connections and, of course, the interest in their consumption. 

Family meal

It is quite necessary that meals are always taken as a family. In fact, we must help to make the atmosphere as pleasant and attractive as possible. Moreover, we should encourage conversation and well-being, avoiding the use of cell phones, television, etc. Let us be their example so that they enjoy this good time.

Do not change schedules

Children are greatly helped by regular and routine regular and routine schedules. Therefore, we must adjust them so that they do not eat dinner too late, go to bed at the right time, etc.


We understand that it is complicated, but we have to be very patient so that the child adapts to the new schedules, to a healthier and balanced diet, etc.

How do we do this? Above all, we must try to make these changes very progressive. very progressiveWe have to make sure that, little by little, the child adapts in a natural way, without being aware of it.

Remember also to promote breakfasts in the morning, as he will need a lot of energy to start the day. And also provide healthy foods for lunches and snacks, so that he does not lose energy. 

If you need to know more or want more tips like these, contact the professional teaching team at Logos Nursery School. We are ready to help you in everything you need for the correct development of your children.

Call us and find out more.