Helping the child to handle frustration will make him grow up happier, self-sufficient, fulfilled and self-aware. That is why we, as teachers and parents, must show him the necessary tools to cope with any situation, so that he has the ability to face everything alone using his own weapons.

We cannot prevent our children from being frustrated. In life there are always occasions that can frustrate us all. However, depending on how we handle the situation, we may or may not be able to get out of it.

Hence, the crux of the matter lies in the way we handle our emotions and feelings when faced with elements that generate frustration.

Today, we find certain situations that have caused children to have a lower tolerance for frustration. One particularly obvious and very negative one is overprotection. But it is not the only one.

Simple techniques to help a child handle frustration

In any case, it is never too late to teach children to understand frustration, manage it and minimize it so that the effect on their psyche is minimal. Some valid techniques that all parents can try are these:

Avoiding permissiveness

It can be rather difficult at first. If we overprotect children, we understand that if we stop, we may hurt them. However, if we don't let them experience failure so that they know how to cope with it now when they are young, it will be harder for them when they grow up.

Be an example

As adults, we must always set an example for children. If they see that we are capable of dealing with failure in a whole and mature way, they will know that we have the necessary resilience, and we will act as the example to look up to.

No matter how much of a parent we are, dealing with complex situations is usually not easy. But with the right self-esteem and creative problem-solving skills, we will be able to do anything and set a good example for the little ones at home.

Do not rush to any setback

This is something that some parents do. As soon as they see that their children have gotten into trouble, even if it is of miniscule dimensions, they rush to the rescue without giving the child a chance to use their conflict resolution tools.

Avoid seeing failures as a negative thing

In reality, we all fail at some point. In fact, these failures are excellent wells of knowledge and learning. If we make the child see them as negative failures, he or she will never be able to tap into the wisdom in them.

This does not mean that failures should always be taken as something good, but neither is it intrinsically bad. The best thing to do is to learn from each mistake, naturalize it and move forward looking for the best solutions to the mistakes that are made.

Educating in effort

If after having made a great effort, the child fails and gets frustrated, we must help him understand that he has done everything he could and was able to do, and he should see it as a mistake or a waste of time, but rather as a lesson.

In any case, children educated in the value of effort tend to be more positive and creative when it comes to solving problems in an original and efficient way.

Always keep in mind that, for these techniques to be efficient, reasonable objectives must be established. In this way, we will make children persevere, based on positive reinforcement that promotes their independence and development.

Don't forget that at Logos Nursery School we have a team of pedagogues and specialized teachers. That is why you can make use of our knowledge and experience whenever you wish so that we can become a positive part of your children's lives.

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