Everyone should be aware of their capabilities, their limitations, and also of their possibilities, without excesses, but always without underestimating themselves. How can this be achieved? By teaching self-confidence to children we make them more resilient, knowing themselves how far they can go without feeling incapable and without false insecurities.

The fact is that getting a child to have confidence in himself is key for him to look to the future without fear, and also for him to live his present with confidence, knowing himself well, developing his abilities in a logical and sensible way.

All of this is in line with an adequate emotional intelligence that is balanced. Thus, children know themselves better, but they are also able to analyze and understand the environment in a more optimized way. All this empowers them to improve their relationships, their abilities, their skills to face problems and life situations, etc.

What we will do to teach self-confidence to children

Given the importance of children's confidence in themselves and in their possibilities, let's see what we can do so that they learn to be clear about their abilities and to know everything they can do.

Unconditional acceptance

As much as we want a bright future for our children, we are obliged as parents and adults to accept them as they are. That is to say, let's not dump our dreams on them, since they have their own. Furthermore, even if we give them the best education we can, let's remember that each child has his own personality, tastes and needs, and as such we must accept him, support him and show him that he is a valuable person whose opinions and desires deserve to be taken into account.

Ongoing support

Children will have to go through difficult times. As parents and adults, we can't go through bad situations for them, even if we sometimes wish we could. But we do have the capacity to give them our support, our understanding and our empathy. In this way we will provide them with adequate resources so that they themselves know how to manage those complex situations that life will put in front of them in the form of obstacles.

When we know that young people are going through difficulties, they themselves will be grateful to have a friendly and trustworthy hand to give them unconditional support. Let them know that we are there, always ready to provide them with the necessary tools to help them overcome those difficult phases of their lives that always appear.

Avoid labeling

Each person is a world, and as such should be accepted and respected. Labeling others, especially during childhood, is not a good idea. Let's remember that each individual has his or her own talents, likes and dislikes. So, it is better to be accepted and, for example, if he/she is not good at physical education, then there is bound to be another task that he/she is good at, such as mathematics, language, arts and crafts, etc.

Cultivating courage

It is always positive to give our children confidence in their possibilities. If they are brave, daring and able to believe in themselves, they will show how much they can do, and they will not be afraid to know themselves better, to discover their dreams and to bet on themselves.

Acting as an example

Vicarious learning is very common in children. They watch their elders in admiration and imitate what they see. If we want to educate and raise children with high self-confidence, adults must be examples to look up to and understand the importance of this virtue.

From Logos Nursery School we can help you to know how to teach self-confidence to children. Our professional team will be a perfect ally for all those parents who want their children to develop as secure, confident and happy children.

Call us and find out more.