How to teach self-confidence to children?

How to teach self-confidence to children?

Everyone should be aware of their capabilities, their limitations, and also of their possibilities, without excesses, but always without underestimating themselves. How do you achieve something like this? By teaching self-confidence to children we make them more resilient, knowing that they are...
Jealousy in children: How to deal with it?

Jealousy in children: How to deal with it?

Jealousy is the suspicion that a person we love has moved his or her affection, putting it on someone else. It is natural and quite common that children, in their development stage, feel this emotion and suffer from the fear that their parents take their "attention" to another place ....
School cafeteria: Benefits and services

School cafeteria: Benefits and services

The school canteen plays an important nutritional and educational role. It contributes to the acquisition of the small eating habits and is a space for both socialization and coexistence. A healthy diet is essential for the child's...
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