Every adult responsible for a child should know the real needs of his or her child. How? An interesting formula is through the reading of early childhood education books for parents.

There is a lot of literature on the subject, but not all of it is adapted to profiles without technical knowledge in teaching and training. However, there are books that, due to their simple language and multiple examples and explanatory samples, are ideal for parents concerned about the education and development of their children to learn more and better how to treat their offspring so that every day they become more self-sufficient, responsible and, of course, happy.

Read these early childhood education books for parents

Let's go with a small list of books that we know you may like and be interested in to complement the teachings you give to your children.

No also helps to grow, by María Jesús Álava Reyes

A very common problem that many educators face today with children is the fear of some adults to say no, to set clear limits for the little ones.

It should not be forgotten that infants develop more and better in controlled environments, with limits appropriate to their age, enjoying their routines and adequate habits. This is something that the professional María Jesús Álava Reyes, author of El no también ayuda a crecer, knows well.

This renowned psychologist helps us, both teachers and parents, through examples and practical cases, to overcome the fear of saying no. We will face the child's evolution in an adequate way thanks to the wide range of complex situations he/she shows. We will deal adequately with the evolution of the child thanks to the wide range of complex situations she shows.

Educating without fear of listening, by Yolanda González Vara

One of the biggest complaints that almost all parents make is that their children do not know how to listen. But do we, as adults, listen to our children?

In this book, González Vara makes active listening the main objective. Undoubtedly, it is a main tool for children to receive a comprehensive education that, in addition, extends to an adequate communication between formative agents such as the family, the school, etc.

Happy children, by Alicia Banderas

Another interesting book written by the professional Alicia Banderas that allows us to create valuable relationships between all the people involved in the education of children, from the formal educational agents such as teachers and educational psychologists to the parents themselves, family members, etc.

Minor Sons, by Francisco Kovacs

Kovacs writes an interesting guide to learn how to educate with intelligence and common sense. It is important for children to improve their brain connections to understand behavioral patterns and to give and receive affection.

Saber educar: guía para padres y profesores, by Bernabé Tierno and Antonio Escaja.

We finish this small guide with an essential book written by one of the great professionals of psychology and pedagogy in our country, Bernabé Tierno.

In this case, Tierno collaborated with the philosopher specialized in educational psychology, Antonio Escaja, to produce an essential work for all parents and education professionals who want to understand and communicate correctly with children. Through his teachings, we will learn to understand the little ones, knowing better their feelings, their demands or their desires, so that we can respond to their needs.

Among the best books on early childhood education for parents, we consider these five books to be essential. All of them have a special interest in reaching educators and pedagogues, but also parents. And this is achieved by means of a simple and understandable language for everyone, even if they are not experts in the subject.

At Logos Nursery School, nursery school in Las Rozas, we have an extensive library full of updated and valuable bibliography that helps us to maintain a constant professional development that allows us to keep up to date with the needs of the children who attend our center.

Call us and find out more.