Fine motor skills are one of the main factors in the motor development of children. Its implementation and stimulation are essential aspects for the growth of children.

At Logos Nursery we care about the proper development of our students both inside and outside the classroom. That is why we want to share some concepts about fine motor skills and their importance in our students' lives.

What is fine psychomotor skills?

Body movements that require more precision, dexterity and skill are known as psychomotor or fine motor skills. These movements require more control and mastery than any other type of movement, especially of the arms and hands. Their use is essential for children to increasingly master more complex skills.

Fine motor skills involve a certain level of maturity and learning to acquire each of its aspects, some more difficult than others. For that, it is necessary to follow a constant process in which the child is able to perform activities with more complicated goals during his growth.

Why is it necessary to stimulate it?

The stimulation of fine motor skills plays a decisive role in increasing intelligence in early childhood education. It is important to increase their ability to experiment and learn about the environment around them.

In addition, by putting fine psychomotor skills into practice, visual-manual coordination is worked on. In this way, the child will be able to improve the control of his hands, wrists and arms, as well as acquire skills for activities performed with these parts of the body, such as writing.

Activities to develop it

The skills derived from fine motor skills are important both in adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, working on them from an early age is ideal to develop a perfect control over them.

As they grow older, babies begin to acquire fine motor skills on their own. However, with a little help, children can achieve these skills more quickly and effectively. To help you, here are some activities to develop fine motor skills at home .

Fun with tweezers

For this activity it will only be necessary to have some simple clothespins that you probably have at home. The child should play with the clothespins by placing them on a surface and exerting pressure on them.

With this exercise you will strengthen the index finger, middle finger and thumb, at the same time that you will measure your strength to make pressure. Undoubtedly, a simple but excellent exercise to improve your child's fine motor skills.


Their weight, texture and the sound they produce upon impact with glass or metal make marbles a sensory object capable of stimulating fine motor skills.

Get one or two metal or glass containers so the child can move the marbles from one side to the other. Have him use his fingers to pick them up or use tongs or spoons.

Magic salt

To some people's surprise, salt is an incredible element to work on fine motor skills. You can even transform it into something much more entertaining for the child, customizing it in your own way.

You will only need some food coloring in the color of your choice, lavender essential oil and glitter. Once you have created your "magic" salt, place it on a tray and have your child trace on its surface. You will stimulate their enthusiasm in learning letters for writing, as well as experimenting with their senses.

In Logos Nursery, nursery school located in Las Rozas de Madrid, we implement more and more activities designed to improve the fine and gross psychomotor skills of our students. Follow our recommendations and test your child's senses at home.

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