School for Parents

Habits, routines and sphincter control.

In this Logos Parenting School webinar we will discuss relevant topics such as habits, routines and potty training, all of which have a direct impact on your child's life. It is important to understand that "routine" and "habit" are not the same thing. Routines are activities that each individual performs on a daily basis in a systematic, periodic and regular manner; while a habit is a way of acting.

These concepts are essential in the life of a child, not only provide them with self-confidence, but also help them to adapt to situations, improve the family and school environment and also learn to cooperate and respect certain rules and limits. The key habits for them are: feeding, rest/sleep, hygiene and sphincter control. Press play and discover all the information we have prepared for you.

Limits and Standards.

In this second webinar of the Logos Nursery School Parent School we will talk about boundaries and rules. We will discuss the importance of rules and boundaries both inside and outside the classroom. Compliance with rules and limits is a process that is acquired little by little and these should be reviewable and work continuously because in the end as children advance in cognitive and personal development age will require a set of basic rules of coexistence and limits.


Frustration is an unpleasant emotion that we feel on those occasions when we cannot get the things we want or the things that are important to us. Learning from a young age to tolerate this frustration allows children to face in a positive way all those moments in which this type of emotions arise. Tolerating frustration means being able to face problems and difficulties, limitations that we encounter throughout our lives, so it is important to teach children techniques and strategies to handle it.

Symbolic Games.

Welcome back, today we are going to talk about symbolic play in this new Logos Nursery School parent school. Symbolic play can be defined as any spontaneous activity that occurs in childhood, and through which children playfully learn to reproduce situations of everyday life through their mental abilities. In this way they acquire a lot of learning. In this talk we will work on topics such as its benefits or how to work it in the classroom and the importance it has at this age.



Welcome back, today we are going to talk about the importance of expressing our emotions and feelings: especially for the little ones to start communicating them as soon as possible. We are also going to talk about the multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner, an important American psychologist who discovered that each of us possesses several types of intelligence such as musical, linguistic, mathematical, naturalistic, spatial, kinesthetic, corporeal, intrapersonal and interpersonal. Intelligences that we all possess, but each one to a different extent.


Reading and writing.

Welcome back, today we are going to talk about how to encourage the preparation for the reading process and the motor skills of writing. Reading is one of the most essential characteristics of our species and allows us to communicate through graphics and signs. For the correct evolution in these fields we need a maturity in different aspects that we will explain in depth.


Adquisición y Desarrollo del lenguaje.

Bienvenidos de nuevo a un nueva sesión de nuestra escuela de padres. Hoy, vamos a hablaros sobre las dificultades que pueden presentarse en cada una de las etapas de educación infantil en cuanto al desarrollo del lenguaje, y vamos a daros algunas pautas para estimular en lenguaje y su adquisición de manera que podamos ayudar a los niños en este proceso. Tocaremos temas como la plasticidad cerebral, la importancia del lenguaje, la expresión de emociones, pensamientos sentimientos y cómo el lenguaje representa, construye  e interpreta nuestro mundo.

Estimulación temprana.

Las estimulación temprana un conjunto de técnicas educativas que nos sirven para impulsar el desarrollo integral de los niños. Es este episodio de nuestra escuela de padres os hablamos de esta técnicas y como podéis apoyarlas y fomentarlas en casa. ¡No os lo perdáis!

Control y uso de las nuevas tecnologias y como afectan a la autoestima y a la propia identidad.

En esta nueva sesión de la Escuela de Padres de  Logos Nursery School hablamos sobre un tema muy de actualidad, el control y uso de las nuevas tecnologías y como afectan a la autoestima y a la propia identidad en edades tempranas. ¡No os lo perdáis!
Call us and find out more.