Cooking for children: advantages of having children cook

At Logos Nursery School, we care about our students' learning even outside the classroom. Therefore, we have different extracurricular activities designed with the purpose of improving the performance of all students in different skills related to sports, technology, art and even cooking. Such is the example of our Cooking School, a place where students have fun learning how to cook and eat healthy. As for cooking for children, the advantages of children cooking are numerous:

Develops communication

It is almost impossible to carry out a recipe without starting a conversation. Even if it is an extremely easy dish, when preparing a recipe, it is necessary to talk in order to exchange ideas and comments. In this way, students are able to learn to listen and reason, resulting in better communication skills when they want to express themselves to their peers.

They learn about food

Even as adults, it can sometimes be difficult for us to identify certain foods. However, it is much easier for children to absorb this knowledge. For this reason, at Logos Nursery School one of our main goals is to ensure that students not only identify foods, but also learn about their origin, nutritional value and different preparations, in an interactive and dynamic way. In this way, students will become familiar with the large family of foods that exists, in addition to acquiring a good nutritional education.

Improves individual and teamwork

Cooperation is an essential value in each of the activities we develop in our children's kitchen. In order to carry out different tasks and make recipes, teamwork is required. Something quite favorable even to learn to perform simple activities individually.

Stimulates your senses

Cooking is a didactic activity that requires a lot of attention and concentration on what is being done. At the same time, in the children's kitchen and the advantages of children cooking, is that it makes children notice the aroma, taste, consistency and texture of food, stimulating the senses of sight, smell and touch. On the other hand, the use of kitchen utensils contributes to the development of fine and gross motor skills . This is essential, especially in the early stages of growth, which is precisely the stage in which most of our students at Logos Nursery School find themselves.

Cooking for kids is a fun activity where students can learn all about food and its preparation on their own. Call us and schedule a personalized visit where they will show you the facilities and tell you all the details about the Cooking School!

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