Sports have multiple benefits and advantages for children. And although older children have more options to choose from, little ones can start exercising practically from the time they are babies.

Children who attend nursery school and even those who go to kindergarten can start playing sports at this age. At Logos Nursery School we are aware of the importance of sports education, so we promote healthy lifestyle habits from an early age. But, what sports options are there for children from 0 to 5 years old? Many more than you think!

Sports activities from 0 to 5 years old

Martial arts are progressive activities that can be easily adapted to the personal characteristics of each child. Experts say that judo or karate can be started as early as 4 years of age.

3 years old is the ideal age to teach children to ride a bike. In principle, with wheels, which they can get rid of when they are about 5 years old.

Racquet sports such as tennis can also be started at the nursery school stage. Depending on the psychomotor development of each child, they can sign up for tennis between 4 and 5 years of age.

As for the winter sport par excellence, skiing, experts say that it is possible to start this activity with the help of an instructor at around 4 years of age.

And let's not forget the kindergarten stage. One sport that babies can practice without any problems is swimming. Make time for parent-child classes and you can see your little one's progress firsthand.

Advantages of sports for children

  • They favor the coordination of movements.
  • Improve physical endurance.
  • Increased motor skills.
  • Improve balance.
  • They strengthen the musculature and help the correct physical development.
  • Along with a balanced diet, sports are the best ally in the prevention of childhood obesity.
  • They help in socialization.
  • Improve self-esteem.

Swimming Project

The Swimming Project at Logos Nursery School, nursery school in Las Rozas, is a curricular activity in our nursery school from the age of 2 years old. We want our students to benefit from the many advantages of this water sport in the best facilities and with qualified staff. A lifeguard will always be present in the pool during the activity to ensure the safety of our young swimmers.

Together with your children, look for the most suitable sport for them, taking into account their tastes and preferences, and encourage them to do physical exercise from an early age.

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