Forms of communication such as music, rhythm, psychomotor skills and corporal expression are essential in the first years of school. Hence, the importance of programming music activities in kindergarten.

As important as the teaching of mathematics is musical intelligence. Music strengthens skills, as well as making it easier to acquire new vocabulary and develop abilities.

Benefits of music in children

  • According to several studies, music improves children's academic performance, as it positively influences learning.
  • It boosts creativity. Music stimulates the right brain area and develops children's imagination.
  • Improves psychomotor skills. Music is linked to dance and rhythm, which involves coordinating movements, and therefore helps the development of psychomotor skills.
  • Encourages body expression. Dancing to music helps them find a new way to express themselves.
  • Reinforces language learning. Whether English or Spanish, song lyrics help them become familiar with the meaning of words and sounds of a language.
  • Improves memory. Playing an instrument involves memorizing notes, chords and sheet music, an ideal exercise for children's memory.
  • It boosts concentration. Children focus their attention on the sounds and tones of a song by playing or singing it.
  • Reduce stress. Believe it or not, children are also exposed to stressful situations. Music activities for children make the school day much more bearable. They will have fun and learn at the same time.

Music stimulation project at Logos Nursery School

At Logos Nursery School, a nursery school in Las Rozas de Madrid, we believe it is crucial to have a program with activities that are related to each other. This is how the musical and psychomotor stimulation project was born, which helps the integral development of our students.

Experimentation with different materials fosters the possibility of enjoying multiple experiences. Therefore, in this project, we use songs, hoops, foam modules, puppets, paints and image cards.

Thus, in our musical and psychomotor stimulation classrooms, as well as in the Snoezelen Room, the aforementioned materials are used to work on aspects such as coordination, body control, body expression and self-confidence.

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