The Multisensory Project of Logos Nursery School, a nursery school in Las Rozas, follows the Snoezelen approach, a type of stimulation that starts from the basic needs of children and encourages their sensory awakening. A learning that goes far beyond reading and writing.

First of all, it helps to understand themselves, and then to understand others and the environment, through stimuli that help the development of the five senses.

What is the Multisensory Project?

At Logos Nursery School we implement a multisensory methodology during the entire infant stage. In addition to the five senses, we work on vestibular development, movement and balance.

This method puts the senses at the center of learning for the little ones, as they are the means to get to know themselves and the world around them. Our environment is a mixture of tastes, smells, sounds, colors and textures that our sensory organs help us to channel.

Snoezelen Room, an innovative space

Snoezelen is a contraction of two Dutch words: snuffelen - which means "to smell" - and doezelen - which means "to relax". In other words, this concept integrates in a single term that the world around us awakens our five senses.

The Snoezelen space at Logos Nursery School is a room where infant students can live a multisensory experience from the moment they enter the school.

This magical space aims to awaken children's senses in a fun way, through sound, smell and light effects. The perfect way to activate their brain through experimentation from an early age.

Benefits of sensory stimulation

Sensory stimulation, developed through proposals and experiences in the Snoezelen Room, has numerous advantages and benefits for students in the infant stage.

  • Awakening of the five senses and vestibular development through experimentation.
  • Encourage them to explore and investigate on their own.
  • Promotes communication.
  • Thanks to the feeling of well-being, the little ones relax.
  • Development of decision-making and self-control.
  • Facilitates concentration.
  • Recognition of oneself and those around you. Multisensory stimulation helps to understand what you feel, what stimuli provoke and how you react; as well as your peers, which favors a more fluid interaction.

Thus, the incorporation of multisensory learning into Logos Nursery School's educational project prepares children from infancy for both academics and real life.

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