Benefits of swimming for children

Regular physical exercise is very healthy and beneficial for students. Swimming is a very complete sport that brings many benefits, but why is swimming so good? At Logos Nursery School we believe that it exercises muscles, motor coordination and the circulatory and respiratory system but also contributes to the development of the child's independence and self-confidence. That is why the swimming project project that we offer is curricular from the age of 2 in our school. We talk about the benefits of swimming for children.

Benefits of swimming 

Psychomotor development 

The child moves all muscles, moves legs, arms and trunk and learns notions of movement and distance at an early age, increasing motor coordination. 

Cardio respiratory system

Swimming strengthens the child's heart and lungs. Thanks to the breathing exercises that the child practices in the water, its oxygenation and blood transfer is improved.

Muscle tone

Another benefit of swimming is that the child's movement, balance and muscle tone improve.

Immune system 

By attending the swimming pool, the child helps its immune system to fight infectious diseases.


Besides being good for health, swimming is a source of learning. They learn to float in the water, to swim, to do intense exercises and to enjoy more on the beach or in other pools, being more autonomous.


Although it can be considered an individual sport, it promotes socialization with other children. When practiced in a pool it can also be a group sport, you can make new friends and also learn from others.

Safety and confidence

Security and confidence is very important for a child. Swimming increases a child's confidence and independence, and as he or she progresses in the pool, the more confident and independent he or she will feel. They will also learn to be aware of their limitations.


Swimming brings a feeling of relaxation and well-being: it facilitates sleep, relaxes them and also stimulates their appetite. As a consequence, it also improves the child's behavior and character. 


For children, sport should be fun. Almost always swimming, based on stimulation, ends up being just another game.

Stages of learning

There are three phases that every student goes through when learning to swim:


In this phase the students become familiar with the water, learn to breathe, float, etc. When they gain confidence, they move on to the next phase.


In this second phase, water games, displacements, etc., begin to be practiced.


In the last phase, they work on swimming as a discipline and are taught the different modalities of the sport.

Also at Logos Nursery School, you will find Swimming School from 5:30 p.m. onwards, when classes are finished, for students from both the school and outside the school.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, at Logos Nursery School and arrange a personalized visit in which we will show you our facilities and we will solve all your doubts about our educational project.


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