Some subjects tend to be more complicated than others to achieve true meaningful learning in students, one of them being mathematics. However, in the constant search to improve the processes of teaching this subject, at Logos Nursery School, we are always looking for ways to improve the teaching of mathematics. Logos Nursery School we propose the Singapore method.

The complexity of mathematics is due to the prior knowledge and connections that students must make in order to understand its concepts. In this discipline, abstract structures are studied that are difficult for many students to understand.

The Singapore method is a very prestigious method implemented in different countries, endorsed by its great benefits in the teaching of mathematics. In our educational center Logos Nursery, we work with this method to develop the basic mathematical concepts required in early childhood education.

What is the Singapore method?

The Singapore method is a tool used at all educational levels for teaching mathematics. It is characterized by solving everyday problems in a concrete way, it does not focus on memorizing processes or formulas, but generates an understanding of form and substance.

In other words, this method supports active learning where students have the opportunity to explore their own ideas through a series of concrete objects, resources and materials, favoring cooperation and teamwork.

The role of the teacher is to encourage participation in dialogue and collaboration among students. The teacher must make a 180-degree turn, leaving aside his master classes, and making available to the students all the resources to visualize and understand the mathematical concepts. We could even say that the teacher is constantly learning by participating in the new solutions and alternatives proposed by his students.

Objectives and approach of the Singapore method

Undoubtedly, the Singapore method makes the activities carried out by the students more dynamic, increasing their personal motivation, since they understand and reason what they are doing. That is why one of the main objectives of this method is to develop critical thinking in students.

Phases of the Singapore Method

The methodological approach of the Singapore method proposes three stages during the teaching process:

  • Concreta
  • Pictorial
  • Abstract

During the first phase, students relate to concrete elements that they can manipulate, allowing them to recognize some basic concepts. Then, during the pictorial phase, students represent, through their drawings, pictorial models that correspond to the solution of a problem. In the last phase, they must organize algorithms using mathematical symbols and signs.

Seen from another perspective, the Singapore method proposes to start the teaching of a mathematical concept starting with the manipulation of objects, then going through representations or images that help understanding, until reaching the symbolic and abstract.

Spiral curriculum

The curriculum is organized in a spiral form, that is, the contents are not visualized or acquired in a single learning opportunity. When students see new content, they can also reinforce previous content under a system of continuous assessment.

Basic pillars of problem solving

The Singapore method proposes learning mathematics through problem solving, with questions that motivate students to plan new solutions and test their hypotheses. There are 5 basic components that are closely related and are embodied in problem solving:

  • Concepts
  • Skills
  • Processes
  • Metacognition
  • Attitudes

Metacognition is conceived as the monitoring of one's own thinking, i.e., instead of memorizing formulas, "creative conceptual compression" is applied, using concrete and visual resources.

At Logos Nursery, a nursery school located in Las Rozas de Madrid, we encourage students to become aware of their own learning, achieving in them the development of analytical skills that favor the study and improvement of critical mathematical thinking.

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